1:00 PM CDT / 2:00 PM EDT
The ability to negotiate is one of the most important managerial skills. Negotiation is fundamental to social interactions. And business interactions are no exception to this rule.
In this webinar we will examine how culture influences the negotiating process. Negotiation is tricky in and of itself, but cultural barriers add another layer of complexity. Culture has an influence in a variety of ways, from communication tactics and decision-making to the very concept of what a negotiation is. For example, in Asian cultural contexts negotiation is generally about relationship-building. Whereas in the North American context it tends to be more about finalizing a contract. Different approaches to negotiations, if not understood or appreciated beforehand, can place a settlement and a future relationship in jeopardy.
With this in mind, we will explore how culture shapes the negotiating process and the strategies that the negotiators can use to generate successful outcomes.
Don’t have time to sit down and attend the live webinar? All registrants will receive access to a recording of the event, be sure to register so you can access the recording.
Important Registration Note: Individuals who register should receive an email with the link and information you need to participate one day prior to the webinar. If you don’t receive this information and/or have any questions, please
contact us at webinars@foodexport.org.
Dr. Rajesh Kumar – Global Strategic Advisory
Dr. Kumar is a retired academic/business consultant specializing in International Business. He assists companies with global expansion and leads training programs on cross cultural management and cross-cultural negotiations for global companies. Originally from India, Dr Kumar has lived and worked in the United States, England, France, Finland, Netherlands, Denmark, and New Zealand. Dr. Kumar combines his academic knowledge with practical knowledge derived from living in nine different cultures. This has given him unique insights on how best to bridge the cultural divide.
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