Branded Program

The Branded Program provides 50% cost reimbursement for a wide variety of international marketing activities

Double your budget with 50% cost reimbursement on:

  • International website development
  • Foreign market-compliant packaging and labels
  • Advertising and public relations
  • In-store promotions and product demonstrations
  • Fees for exhibiting at select overseas and domestic trade shows
  • Marketing and point-of-sale materials
  • Freight costs for product samples

Is your company eligible to participate in the Branded Program?

A company headquartered in the U.S.

Midwest or Northeast regions

Meet SBA Guidelines

of a small business

Promote brand name products

with at least 50% U.S. agricultural content by weight

Current Funding

Due to unprecedented demand for funding, applications submitted to the 2024 Branded Program after January 15, 2024 will be placed on a waiting list.  Check with your Branded team for more information. We greatly appreciate your support and enthusiasm for the Food Export Branded Program. Should more funding become available for your application, your company will be notified. We look forward to being part of your export journey.

Learn more about the Branded Program eligibility requirements.

The first step in the application process is to submit a free Pre-Qualification.

For Current Branded Program Participants

Important Dates

  • Start of 2024 program year – January 1, 2024
  • Deadline to submit contract change requests (End of the 2024 program year) – December 31, 2024
  • Deadline to submit reimbursement claims and corresponding documentation requests and Evaluations – Due February 28, 2025

Branded Program Success Stories

  • Branded Program Continues to Help Minnesota Supplier Expand Export Sales and Brand Awareness

    Branded Program Continues to Help Minnesota Supplier Expand Export Sales and Brand Awareness

    Participating in Food Export-Midwest’s Branded Program since 2016 has helped this Minneapolis, Minnesota supplier gain new export markets.

    Read their Story

  • Vermont Maple Syrup Exports Grow to Australia and the United Arab Emirates with Branded Program Participation

    Vermont Maple Syrup Exports Grow to Australia and the United Arab Emirates with Branded Program Participation

    Discover how Bascom Maple Farms, Inc. utilized the Branded Program to expand brand awareness for their maple syrup brands.

    Read their Story

  • Connecticut Company Earns New Export Market

    Connecticut Company Earns New Export Market

    Dickinson Brands secured its first sale to Mexico with support from the Branded Program

    Read their Story